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Our darkest roast espresso blend. We combine Brazilian Samba, from the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, and Honduran Strictly High Grown arabica, from the Capucas area of Honduras – two mainstays of the coffee growing industry – with a touch of hearty Indian Robusta. These coffees are especially flavoursome because of their high altitude growing regions; coffee grown in a mountainous terrain and at a lower temperature produces a slower maturing fruit and a denser bean, packed with more flavour. Full-city style roast, Classico espresso produces a distinctively dark brew, rich and aromatic with a pleasantly snappy bite.

Region: Capucas - Honduras, Poços de Caldas - Brazil, Chikkamagalur & Coorg - India
Producer: Various selected growers forming Co-Ops
Variety: Caturra, Catuai, Amarillo, Bourbon, Pacamara, Mundo Novo, Robusta
Altitude: 1,000 - 1,420 m.a.s.l
Process: Natural & Washed
Aroma & Tasting Notes: Cocoa - Allspice - Walnut
Roast Level: 4.5/6

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